From her reaction, you'd think that I had committed a crime or started taking drugs, instead of donating my blood. I know that the main reason she's angry is because I did not discuss it with her, or to be more precise, ask her permission first. However, the reason why she never approves of it is that she thinks that I might get some disease from donating my blood, which is totally irrational, and even though I had previously tried explaining to her that all the instruments used are sterile and the body produces blood naturally so there wouldn't be any harm inflicted, she just wouldn't listen. So I chose to do it behind her back, because if I tell her she wouldn't let me and because I really wanted to do it.
I'm quite a stubborn person. I don't change my behaviour in most circumstances, even if I know I am supposed to or can behave differently. For example, even though my dad gets angry when my brother and I sleep late, I don't sleep any earlier when he comes to Singapore just because he's around. Sometimes when my mum says things like the reason why I tend to spend money on useless things is because I did not earn that money myself, I disagree because all money is just money to me, and I spend them the same way, frugally or wastefully, regardless of where that money came from.
Similarly, I will not change my beliefs and not do what I want to do just because she disapproves of it. I want to do it, not because I want to do good or be a hero or what not, but simply because I have extra blood to give. I have blood to give and there are people who need it.
This is all really bad timing, I know, since she's leaving in two days and I really could have waited until she leaves to do it. However, the blood donation drive in school was to last till last week, and since I already put it off since August, I felt that if I continued putting it off I'd never do it eventually. I guess the only thing I should have done differently was to hide my bruise from her. I really don't like to hide things, though, and I thought that if I behaved unnaturally she'd notice. And I'm really bad at lying to my parents.
Still, I don't think I did wrong.